First Steps in Academic Writing (The Longman Academic Writing Series, Level 2) 2nd Edition
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First Steps in Academic Writing (The Longman Academic Writing Series, Level 2) (2nd Edition) 2nd Edition by Ann Hogue (Author).
The second edition of First Steps in Academic Writing, by Ann Hogue, provides high-beginning to low-intermediate students with essential tools to master basic academic writing. The text's time-proven approach integrates paragraph organization, sentence structure, grammar, mechanics, and the writing process. First Stepsleads students to build strong academic writing skills that will last them throughout their writing careers.
A step-by-step approach guides students seamlessly through the writing process.
Clear, succinct explanations help students to understand and apply key conepts and rules.
Numerous models and varied practice support students at all stages of writing.
NEW Try It Out! exercises give students opportunities to assess mastery of new skills.
NEWjournal writing activities help students build literacy.
NEWself-editing and peer editing worksheets motivate students to revise.
The Longman Academic Writing Series also consists of:
Level 1 Fundamentals of Academic Writing
Level 3 Introduction to Academic Writing, Third Edition